Problems You Can Avoid By Hiring Heavy Equipment Haulers

1 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a small heavy equipment manufacturing company that is growing faster than you expected, you may be wondering about your product shipping. As your business grows, you may have considered investing in a fleet of trucks for fulfilling all your shipping and hauling needs. However, by hiring a professional transportation company, you have a lot less to worry about when it comes to making sure your products reach your customers in a timely manner and in good condition. Have a look at some of the common problems you can avoid by hiring a professional for hauling your heavy equipment to your customers.

The Weather And Hauling Heavy Equipment

if you have your own fleet of trucks, you will also need drivers with the kind of experience you can count on, especially when it comes to hauling in icy, snowy conditions. In some conditions, a truck's brakes may freeze up due to low temperatures. If your driver has no idea what to do about it, you will be the one responsible for helping him or her out of the situation. You may end up having to send a tow truck that would cost a great deal due to towing in poor weather conditions. However, if you hire a hauling company, you may never know about the times a driver experiences problems like frozen brakes. All you will get is a thank you from your customers when your product arrives at their address safe and sound. You also never have to worry about securing loads so they will be protected from ice and snow. Tasks like emptying fluids and covering with tarps will be performed by the drivers you hire from the equipment hauling company.

Fleet And Freight Insurance Coverage Can Be Expensive

Owning your own fleet means having coverage for each truck in it. If any of your drivers have an accident or one gets cited for load issues, your insurance rates could go up. Instead of spending money on fleet coverage, consider spending it on professional equipment hauling. In this way, you never have to worry about drivers getting cited or about keeping up with due dates for premiums. In addition to insurance coverage for your fleet vehicles, you will also be required to carry up-to-date freight insurance. In the event a piece of equipment is damaged and your customer has already paid for it, you will be responsible for the cost of replacing it. Freight insurance can help offset this type of expense, but if you hire a professional hauling company, you can let them do the worrying about freight coverage.

The benefits of hiring a heavy equipment hauling company far outweigh those of owning your fleet, especially if you are a growing business. Contact companies like W G Davis & Sons Trucking Ltd to find the trucking services that are right for your business.
