How To Keep Your Sanity As A Trucker

17 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Trucking is a hard job - long distance travel is hard no matter what the job, but when your eyes are commanded by the road for hours at a time, sitting by yourself, listening to the same radio stations or songs over and over, you tend to get a little... out of it. Here are some tips to keep your wits on long-haul trips!

Talk to Yourself (Really!)

It might sound crazy, but simply talking out loud can help anchor your mind from wandering. When driving for long durations during solo runs, the mind can start to isolate itself, turning insular. By talking out loud, you vocalize your thoughts, freeing them from your head and allowing for a more free flow of thoughts. Additionally, this talking out loud can be a welcome break from the constant hum of your truck, and can help improve your mood.

Learn Something

Driving is essentially wasted time - you're sitting there, staring, and guiding a vehicle so it doesn't crash, but not doing much else. Take this time to engage your mind. Thousands of books have been converted to audio tape or digital audio, and range in topics from poetry to warfare. Engaging your brain can help you keep your head clear, and has the added benefit of featuring variations in speech which can keep you awake.

Rest (But Not Too Much)

Naps are great, but only when done correctly. The human body has a variable limit on sleep that, once passed, must be paired with a full night of sleep. For some people, this limit is 45 minutes, for others, 15. Find your personal limit, and start taking short cat naps whenever you can. These will help freshen up your body, and can help you "reset" your mind, clearing your head and helping you function more effectively on the long road ahead.

Invest in Hands-free Calling

Many cell phones can  be used hands-free over vehicle sound systems, utilizing the audio output to channel the speaker through the stereo. Utilize this liberally! Trucking can be a very lonely endeavor, especially for those who are married or in a relationship. Making routine calls to your loved ones can help your mental health, your physical health (a happy person is a healthy person!), and your relationships' health. Additionally, calls can add a much needed change to your routine, allowing you to focus on other tasks at hand.

Using these techniques might not just save your mind - it could save your truck, your relationships, and your body! For more information, contact another trucking company like Ashton Transport Ltd.
